Pengaruh Strategi Pemasaran Sosial terhadap Upaya Pencegahan Penggunaan Narkoba oleh Mahasiswa di Tangerang Raya
pengaruh, anti narkoba, mahasiswa, pemasaran.Abstract
Drug use among students is a serious concern in the era of globalization, including in the Greater Tangerang area. The Banten Province National Narcotics Agency (BNN) recorded an increase in drug cases, with the majority of users being teenagers and students. Through this research, we want to find out and evaluate the influence of anti-drug social marketing strategies on efforts to prevent drug use among students in Greater Tangerang, which is also the aim of our research. The research method used is a quantitative method with data collection through distributing questionnaires using Google Forms. The sample for this research was students from five universities in Greater Tangerang, namely Multimedia Nusantara University, Binus University, Bunda Mulia University, Pradita University, and Prasetiya Mulya University. Data were analyzed using a Likert scale to measure the influence of anti-drug promotional activities and the existence of these promotions in each university. The research results show that all universities studied have anti-drug promotional activities, with the majority of respondents stating that there is such promotion. The average scale of influence of anti-drug promotional activities is 3.977. This shows that anti-drug promotion at Greater Tangerang universities is quite influential in educating students about the dangers of drugs and prevention .
Keywords: anti-drugs, students, marketing