Analysis of Student’s Perception of Teacher Humor in EFL Classroom


  • Paul Dwi Ghalib Hisyam Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Author


teacher humor, students' perception, EFL classroom


This study focuses on students' perceptions of the teacher humor given in English classroom. The purpose this research is to find out how, the type of humor given, as well as to analyze students' perceptions of the humor given by the teacher in English classroom. This research was conducted using thematic analysis tools. Students are given several questions in which the questions depend on variations in student answers. Informants of this study amounted to 4 people. Based on the statements submitted by the informants, it is known that their English teacher uses question and answer as a means of providing humor in the class. Some of them also said that the teacher can be someone who provokes the anxiety of his students, in which the student's anxiety can become a separate humor in the class. According to them too, there are positive and negative benefits by providing humor in the classroom. One of the positive benefits is that they can easily remember the learning material that is being studied together, while one of the negative benefits is that there are some students who do not respect their teacher in class







How to Cite

Analysis of Student’s Perception of Teacher Humor in EFL Classroom. (2025). JoELE : Journal of English Lingua Educantum, 1(1), 29-37.